Frau Bienkowski on contentment

“Frau Reiter can be so mean,” said Frau Bienkowski. “At lunch earlier, I was trying to take my pill but missed and dropped it on my lap. Frau Reiter saw what happened and piped up,  ‘That never happens to me! You don’t even know how to take a pill!'”

One of Frau B and my favourite books. Image source: Wiki Commons (c) H.-P.Haack

One of Frau B and my favourite books. Image source: Wiki Commons (c) H.-P.Haack

“It’s not even true,” continued Frau B. “I’ve seen it happen to her too. Once she dropped her pill and we found it later at the back of her seat..”

“She sounds like a very discontented person,” I said. “Maybe she’s jealous of you.”

“I think you’re right,” said Frau B. “Jealousy is a real issue here, particularly among the women. Frau Reiter is exactly the same age as me. She uses a horribly dismissive gesture when she’s talking to me. She sort of waves her hand in front of my face and says ‘Ach, what do you know?'”

“That’s nasty. I think it’s wonderful how nice and friendly you are even when other residents treat you like that.”

“The thing is Katechen – I’m contented. Even though six years is too long to be here and I really should have died by now, I’m not dissatisfied.”

“I think that’s part of what keeps you in such good health.”

“Perhaps. I mean, don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of things that aren’t ideal. For one, I don’t even have a spoon to my name here. I had such lovely things at home. So much beautiful silver. But I cleared everything out before I came here.”

(Frau B has often lamented that she didn’t get to know me in time to give me all her stuff.)

“I think your contentment is wonderful. Some people spend their whole lives searching and never find it.”

She paused, then nodded. “Yes. And it’s not their fault that they don’t.”

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